Calling all ladies of Pineridge Church
Please consider attending our first annual ladies swap 'n shop May 6th 10am-12pm. We will be receiving your donations of clothes, purses, shoes and jewelry Friday night between 6-8pm so we can organize it all and have it ready for Saturday morning. There will be snacks provided along with tea and coffee. If you are willing and able to provide a snack for Saturday please respond to Belle Fandych ( she can add you to the snacks list
We hope to see many of you Saturday and pray this can be the start of the woman in our church and community connecting and getting to know one another doing something we all love: trying on 'NEW to us' things
The items left over after the sale will be donated to several women's shelters, the joys smith foundation and Ukrainian women in need.
We look forward to see many faces on Saturday!
Belle Fandych (204-479-8288)